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Israel has declared war after being invaded by hamas


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I think current world events are really showing the true colors of a LOT of people that have been virtue signaling for the past 10 years or so. Wouldn't be surprised by realigning politically and also potentially geographically by many people. That's all currently on that from my end, for fear of getting to political in a Israel thread. but many Jewish people are waking up to the fact that organizations that they courted actually hate them and people that they courted actually hate them. And it isn't just about reclaiming and pushing out the Jews from the land they think they own.


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Border patrol has caught individuals with improved explosives at the border recently. "tailor made for terrorism". Don't know how that slipped through the press cycle. Well I actually do but... Lol.


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Pickens SC
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  1. SKYWARN® Volunteer
Israel said it's going after Hezbollah to eliminate them after hamas...
That will not be easy and it will become a regional/world war if they try it militarily.

Israel is now pointing out the obvious- that Hamas hides among civilians and uses schools and hospitals and ambulances to try to hide attacks and to deter retribution which the Israelis are not playing along with. Total respect for Israel's hard line of not stopping their operations for a minute until the hostages are released. Which I'm not sure Israel would pause or stop the war if it happened, but they are making it clear that the continuance or the war and many of the collateral damages are being caused by Hamas and it's refusal to be sane. They cannot win, they cannot stop Israel from existing, and they certainly cannot stop Judaism. Hamas is showing the world what religious extremism causes and Israel too. The only win here will be an end of hostilities against Israel with a self-governing Palestinian state which fights and stops religious extremism on it's own accord, ending attacks on Israel from it's territory. And the world seems to now be understanding that to some degree; everyone who has died or been harmed in any way here is because of Hamas, but Israel isn't as innocent as they seem to think they are.

Israel has tried to control Gaza and Palestine over the years, and has jailed and caused harm to many who are probably innocent because they saw those people as a threat or didn't like their ideology. They have blackmailed Palestine through threats and actions regarding trade and supplying of human needs like power, water, and food. This too must stop if there is to be an end to this conflict- Israel has no right to interfere with another nation's operation but they do have every right to defend themselves against any attacks even to the point of retaliatory strikes on people and places where those attacks come from even if that has collateral damage against innocents. And truly there are NO innocents here because the Palestinian civil population has neither resisted Hamas etal but have allowed them to be among and hide among their people who as a whole want to see Israel eradicated. Same as us, we the people are responsible for our government's actions too, especially if we make no effort to eradicate any evil therein. "Proxy wars" and war-like actions using non-uniformed militaries must not be tolerated or supported anywhere by anyone for any reason, and the peoples anywhere who allow that to happen among their own nations should expect there to be consequences for allowing it including loss of civilian lives. If you want to fight a war you should put on uniforms and fight openly, not try to hide which is a cowardly act on it's face.

I wish I knew where this is all going but I don't. What I do know is that all nations have the right to defend their territory and their people, and that nobody has the right to attack them as long as they are confining their activities to within their own borders which neither Israel or Palestine has done. I am against all wars which only waste lives, efforts, and resources but I'm also a student of Von Clausewitz and Sun-Tsu so I understand that wars will happen and why. It is only when the people of this world universally put those who call for war and their families on the front lines of the wars they are calling for that wars will end; those who crave violence should be it's first victims.


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Pickens SC
Special Affiliations
  1. SKYWARN® Volunteer
On another note, I noticed that the UN complained about people storming it's warehouses of relief supplies, and using that as to show how bad the situation there is for the people. I have to wonder why those "desperately need and limited" supplies were in a warehouse to begin with; if you were actually trying to help the people you'd be distributing all those supplies immediately and not withholding them in warehouses wouldn't you?

Along with Elvis, sanity and reasoning have left the building...